If you have recently received and have installed (or plan to install) the Sage Abra version 7.5 maintenance update, and are using the Sage TimeSheet integration, please review the following information:
The Sage Software customer support team recently discovered an issue when transferring time information from Sage TimeSheet to Sage Abra v7.5. Due to changes made in the Sage Abra 7.5 payroll database, two fields are missing from the Sage TimeSheet export to Sage Abra 7.5.
As a result, the import into Sage Abra Payroll does not work, and the time information must be entered manually.
The development teams are working quickly to resolve this issue. We expect to deliver a correction patch early next week (week of November 6). If the patch is available sooner, you will receive a follow-up communication regarding the availability and instructions for downloading the patch.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have created. If you have any questions regarding this communication, please contact the customer support department at 866.719.5198.
Your Sage Abra HRMS and Sage TimeSheet product teams